jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Ingles 2015


               Personal Project

How would our lives be without technology?
1.- Text:

autor: Trisha Mahajan

autor: Ikeepsafe


                How would our lives be without technology?
The technology is something that is normal now, like you can see people using phones an the street or listening to music with headphones. But can you image the life without technology? I don't know how can be my life could be without it, because my life depends on that. Like when I do works with the computer or iPads. But all the people can be more friendly without the technology, but I don't think that can happen because a lot of people don't want that.

Acording to a anonymous person : The human life is more comfortable because the technology helps with, doing things more faster, easier, etc. But, the people now depend on technology, some people can't image living without technology, the technology is destroying the few humanity we have, in conclusion the technology is destroying as slowly.
The autor says: "The advancements brought us unprecedented physical , medical and other benefits, but this over- reliance will prove costrty  of the human race". In conclusion: without technology , our lives we be simpler,harder,dangerous,etc.

Acording to Trisha Mahajan : The importance of technology in the modern time is a lot comported to the past like in the 80's with the computers or the video games  one of the most important technology in this communications, because in the past this doesn't exist like now.
In the pas  to send a message, a person needed to go to there but no wit changed to send in an E-mail or sending a whatsapp in the phone. We don't believe a world without technology, that do this finish of the human.

According to IKEEPSAFE BLOG: One time in United States, the Urine hurricane destroyed a lot of houses, and other things, and one was the electricity, so all the people int the cities without electricity didn't have Wi-Fi, so all the people needed to go to a car with pluggers to connect the advices and 4 router to have wi-fi.But the kids and the parents of the kids go outside to play, that didn't happen all the time  because all the kids use the devices to play, so the technology is destroying families 

In conclusion, technology is something important in our lives but at the same time, it is destroying it little by little , we can still use it in work , studying  or to work, but not to stay all the day using a phone. For example kids using the devices to play all the day and not going to play outside or doing sports, or studying, because the  teenagers uses the phone all the day.

Why do we need technology to survive?
Humans need technology to survive because we don`t have sharp teeth or claws, we only have our brains to do it but that can only be useful with technology. Technology is the basic tool for humans, like nobody can live in the jungle without a weapon in these times.
Life without technology will be worst for me, we can`t survive with  no weapons or tools. Now the people depend a lot on technology like phones or tools.

Technology evolves faster than in the past so we have a lot of new devices like 3D printers or virtual reality lenses, etc. Now, we have more things than ten years ago but that made us have less time for us because a lot of people play on their phones instead spending times with the family. "Technology is destroying the few humanity that we have", according to: write joy(2014)

People need technology to survive but some people use less technology to have a life with their family. More often, an example of this are the people who live in the deserts, or the jungle, or in the mountains, etc. All the people who live there don´t have phones or T.V. in their houses like in the United States so they play outside, but technology is still in their lives but they use it only to survive and have a comfortable life.Trisha Mahajan said:
"The importance of technology in the modern world can hardly be overstated"(2012)

You can have a comfortable life but everybody keeps buying computers or tablets,why? and that is because it`s the trend of this time, and the other answer is because it can make you more "happy" with it, but both are not good answers to buy it and you only need some technology like microwaves or a freezer to have a good life. We don`t need so much technology to have a happy life.

In the conclusion we need technology to survive in our lives we need phones, tools, calculators, a lot of of other things, Ikeppsafeblog said:"It was quite clear how reliant we are on our technology tools".(2011)
But it is true that with that we will be happy, you can have a comfortable life but you will have less time with you family or you will lose a lot of money buying technology. In conclusion we need technology but not massively or people will waste a lot of time with it.

"Life without technology"(2011). Retrieved on 12 of November, 2015 from: http://ikeepsafe.org/balancing-screen-time/life-without-technology/

Mahajan, T. (2012) "It is difficult to imagine our lives without technology" Retrieved on 12 of November, 2015 from:

"What Would Life be Without Technology"(2012).Retrieved on 12 of November, 2015 from:

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